Ramsbottom & Edenfield Team Ministry

Thank you…

Throughout lockdown, I think we have all had time to think about what we take for granted.
A cuddle from a grandchild, parent, grandparent, even shaking hands when we have thePeace…but what about something that occurs each week?
I am referring to ourZoom Service’, which we log into without much thought about how it works, or who keeps it running to time.

When the churches were first closed, it was suggested to our Rector that it might be an idea to record a video message from him to reach out to everyone; which could then be uploaded to the website and Facebook pages. Initially Andy was reluctant, but recorded a few weekly messages, which he hoped were of comfort to those who watched them.

Everyone then became aware of ‘Zoom’, and the prospect of having an online service on a Sunday, which would be ‘Live and Interactive’.                                                                                    Which brings me to the people behind it all…….Martin Hall and Alistair Rowe, who we should all be very grateful to for setting it up, and making sure that it reaches everyone after the service, by means of ‘Facebook and YouTube’.

Martin (having previous experience of zoom), does the pre service preparation, and as host has the unenviable task of keeping Andy on track, and making sure the videos work and the relevant words appear on screen; to name but a ‘few’ of his jobs.Then Alistair comes into his own, by downloading and editing the service, so that it can be posted for public viewing, which takes him several long hours. Gaps have to be edited out, titles uploaded etc… No mean task I can assure you!!

Thank you gentlemen from everyone at RETM; without your hard work, many would not have been able to stay in touch with their church families during this time of crisis.