Ramsbottom & Edenfield Team Ministry

Re Opening

RETM are pleased to announce that we are to resume Team Services from Sunday the 19th July at St Paul’s Church.”

The service will be ‘said’ communion at 9.30am.

Our zoom service at 11.00am will continue for the present.

Prior to opening for worship, the church will have been cleaned and aired in line with Government, and Church of England Guidance.

Please note as numbers are restricted due to distancing rules, anyone who wishes to attend please email: retmchurches@gmail.com.


Thank you. Hope to see you soon🙏

In line with government guidelines, we publish below a copy of our Risk Assessment


“St Paul’s Church, Ramsbottom      Risk Assessment for Re-opening for Worship”

A risk assessment was carried out for individual prayer, which was the first stage prior to resuming full worship at St Paul’s. It was based on the government announcement that places of worship were now permitted to reopen for individual prayer from 15th June and Worship from the 4th July 2020.
St Paul’s opened firstly for Private Prayer, on the 27th June 2020 and now propose to open for worship in the form of ‘said’ Holy Communion, beginning on the 19th July.
The risk assessment takes account of guidance issued by the Church of England – House of Bishops Covid-19 Recovery Group.
Date of Risk Assessment: 03/07/20
Review Date: Weekly, checking Government and Diocesan advice changes.
This risk assessment has been agreed by the wardens of St Paul’s in respect of the guidelines of The Church of England (Risk Assessment version 4)  The full Risk Assessment document is displayed on our notice board.
Aspect of Controls in place; Social Distancing A maximum of 54 individual worshippers may be present in the ground floor of the church at any one time in order to maintain 2m social distancing. Clergy and officers are also able to maintain social distancing because of the areas of the church where they will be located.
The altar has been cleaned and sanitised, as has the altar rail. Hand sanitiser is also kept in that area for the sole use of the clergy.
All notice sheets have been removed from the entry, as per guidelines.
Some pews have been cordoned off to maintain the 2m distancing, and notices advising this have been prominently placed around the church. Arrows have been put in place to advise worshippers on both entry, and exit.
Clergy to enter the building through the separate exterior vestry door.
Family groups from the same household can be seated on the same pew but only in specified parts of the church, (ie, where there are double length pews).
Outer entry/exit door will be kept permanently open at all times the church is in use, to minimise touch points and enhance ventilation. The duty officers will open the inner doors to minimise the number of people in contact with these surfaces Two will be on duty at all times that the church is open, to greet and record names, and to ensure that everyone sanitises their hands, and/or wears face coverings if required. This is clearly illustrated upon entry.

A record of attendance for worshippers will be kept as per government guidelines (NHS Track and Trace). Each person will be asked for their name and a contact number upon entry to St Paul’s, should there be a Covid 19 outbreak. These details will be kept for 21days and kept locked in the safe and destroyed once this period is over. These details should be taken by one officer.

The kitchen is for the moment not in use, and this is clearly marked. Also, during the time of both private prayer and worship, the toilet is only to be used as an emergency. Hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes are prominently displayed in this area, and all users are requested to clean after use. This is also clearly advertised.

If worshippers wish to use both the hand sanitiser and disposable wipes, then there is a small bin at the side of the entrance, which is to be emptied by only one designated person. Face masks are also available for personal use. We would encourage for them to be worn.

All pews have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised, the wooden floor has been cleaned with disinfectant, and all door handles, finger plates have been disinfected and sanitised, and will be redone once the church is closed. immediately after private prayer and worship. We will be vigilant should this need to be carried out further, during occupancy of the building

The church will be open at specific advertised times, between 10.30 and 11.30am on a Saturday morning, for private prayer, however, this may and can be extended should demand prove necessary. The Sunday Service of ‘said’ Holy Communion, will be at 9.30am.

Singing is not permitted at present and will not form part of individual prayer, or Holy Communion.

If worshippers wish to bring their own prayer books/bible/other texts for personal use during a time of individual prayer or Holy Communion they may do so, but St Paul’s books will not be available initially.

The candle stand has been temporarily removed for safety as using the same lighter cannot be considered appropriate, especially as it cannot be sanitised. (sanitiser being alcohol based and therefore flammable).

The organ can be played by the appropriate Organists, who are responsible for cleaning and sanitising the instrument. They are the required distance away from other persons in the building. Recorded music may be played softly as required.

A risk assessment has been carried out for everyone’s benefit, and all reasonable precautions have been put in place. However, if it is subsequently determined that a worshipper who recently attended the church has been confirmed as having Covid 19, then the church may be closed and thoroughly cleaned prior to any reopening.

Notices are prominently displayed advising of coronavirus symptoms and what action people should take. Please be aware.