Ramsbottom & Edenfield Team Ministry

A Message from Messy Church

Hello everyone!
We should have been meeting on Saturday 6th June for Messy Church, and all the Leaders are missing you!
We hope that you are all safe and well!
We were going to be thinking about our friends today at ‘Messy Friends’ so I thought that you might like to do some activities at home whilst thinking of your family and friends and of course Jesus, our best friend!
I will put a couple of ideas on our FB page each day this week. If you try any I would love to see a photo and with your permission I will share it on our Facebook page!

Here are some ideas for today!

1. The Bible tells us about quite a few of Jesus friends. He had 12 good friends who were his disciples. Can you find out their names?
Clue – you will find them listed in the Bible in Mark’s gospel, chapter 3 verses 16-19.

2. We haven’t been able to hug many people recently, so here is a way for you to send a ‘hug’ to someone special! To make a ‘hug’ you will need some paper, some string or ribbon or even a big strip of paper!Draw round your hands on the paper, and cut them out. Cut a piece of string or ribbon that will go from one hand to the other when your arms are stretched out. Attach the string to your hands – one end to one hand and the other end to the other hand. Make a label and write a special message to the person you want to send the hug to!
Here is one from me to you!

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