Ramsbottom & Edenfield Team Ministry

Ten Golden Rules (from Ralph Townsend,’Faith, Prayer and Devotion’)

Prayer is not an art to be mastered, but a way into an ever deepening experience of the love of God through our lives.

  1. The hardest thing about prayer is beginning. So just start. Your longing for God and your wanting to pray are the beginning of a relationship that can grow and grow. Tell God that you want to know Him and love Him, and let Him make the next move.
  2. Invite the Holy Spirit to pray in you and teach you to pray.
  3. Find time to pray. Set aside special times for prayer.
  4. Find people to pray with – we need support. Remember, there is no such thing as private prayer; we are surrounded by the prayer of others.
  5. Build prayer into the rhythms of daily life.
  6. Make your home a place of prayer.
  7. Find a way of praying that is right for you. Explore different ways of praying. Listen as well as speak; give thanks as well as make requests. Try to make sure your prayer is marked by adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplication, but don’t let particular methods get in the way.
  8. Don’t look for results.
  9. Make your life a prayer. Use your times of prayer to make the whole of life prayerful.
  10. Don’t give up when it gets hard. Trying to pray is praying,and God is present even in the darkness.