Ramsbottom & Edenfield Team Ministry

Theft in the Team Churches

A few months ago, Reverend Wood was awoken by a phone call from the police advising her that lead had been stolen from the porch of St Andrew’s Church. Fortunately, the thieves were disturbed before they could cause too much damage, and the porch has now been repaired.

Yesterday, thieves were again on the prowl, and managed to steal some large stone flags from the rear of St Paul’s Church; again, fortunately thanks to a vigilant neighbour, they were sent packing before they could cause any more damage.

Although our churches are special to us, we must be aware that to some, a church means nothing more than a way to make money illicitly. There seems to be a gang around the area, targeting churches and cemeteries, so please be alert to any late night visitors that you may see near buildings such as these.

However, never forget that it is people, no matter what their appearance, that are important. We should always hold out the hand of friendship to everyone, as true disciples of Jesus.